Friday, May 1, 2009

I Feel Free : )

Hun has returned from his business trip with no sneezing, coughing, drippiness, Ro has turned a major corner and is mucho bettero, So went off to school this AM without a melt down and Ate.... well he is still a terror.

And it looks like it might actually be a rain free weekend here in Chi town.

So finally, I offer a "vent" free post.

Last night, I was certain I would go into labor on three separate occasions.

Those occasions happened to directly correspond to triple overtimes in game six of the Boston Celtics vs. the Chicago Bulls playoff series, resulting in a one point win by Chicago which will take them to game seven of this series.

Seriously, it was exhilarating, and I either have a future sports fan in utero or a child who wanted me to sit down and stop yelling at the TV, because there was some major action going on. But alas, still very preggers and hoping for more intense exhilaration this Saturday night when game 7 takes place, because the weekend is not a bad time to have a baby.

Also very exciting, "The Most Beautiful People" issue of People magazine has arrived...

Do you not see the juxtaposition there? Would you see it if I was reading that magazine while attending any Chicago sports game in head to toe fanatic team related sports wear?

I love that I can easily be both, girly girl and downright loud and dirty sports fan.

I can easily sit down for a mani/pedi, and bring on the masseuse, however, I much rather watch a good action movie over a chick flick any day of the week.

I guess if I subject myself to watching something so unrealistic, I rather watch a flaming car race up a ramp and do triple loops through the windows of two strategically placed high rise buildings only to come out the other side still aflame as it falls while still flipping into a waterway below, at which point the hero/heroine of the movie miraculously resurfaces after a suspenseful minute and hides against a post under a bridge,


watch a guy tell the more homely girl in the movie that he is in love with her and expects that they will have a perfect marriage and luxurious life together in their dream home in the suburbs with two very well behaved children and a lovely obedient dog while he somehow manages to make a living without ever leaving her side.

I have no idea how my post today took this turn. I guess that is what happens when you sit down, lap top on non-existing lap with no agenda. I think it is called "Free Writing".

But the bottom line is this, the week is coming to an end, and it is ending better than it has begun. And for that I am grateful.

I thought, along the lines of "Free Writing" I would throw out a related Psycho dynamic theory just for the hell of it...

It is an uncensored, way of thinking with fluidity...
"Free Association".

If you want to play along, it is very simple. I will throw out one word to end this post and all you have to do is share in my comment section, the first word that you think of as it relates to my final word. But it has to be the first word that comes to your mind, no cheating.


Here it is........


7 have shown Orah a little love:

Anonymous said...

What I had in my mind after reading the word "grateful", was "ohh, thank you lord" as said from Nell on Gimme a Break. But I was saying it to mysef like Nell would have, a real sista!
Anyway, fun game, do it again!
A YAY for a few thangs:
A) Hun being home so he can help your shamu self
B) Bulls Victory baby, we all worked hard for that one!
C) People's most beaturific issue!! Cant wait to read it..
D) and most importantly for RO,
kickin that nasty bug.....Way 2 go RO!
Now go have your baby w/ some peace and serenity, sista!!
- Miss S.

Heidi @ Tayterjaq's Rebels said...

Children. Not really sure why that word came up. Most of the time I am grateful for my kids...there are just those days, which I am sure you have had, where every one of them seems to know just what to do to get under your skin and bug the heck out of you. I don't think I would use grateful on those days.

I am so glad that things are looking up in your neck of the woods. Yay Ro for feeling better!

Candice said...

Sounds like you've had a pretty good week. That's great.

I'm also not really into chic flicks. Bring on the action thriller, baby!!! said...


yep, as tenuous as it is, it is good at this moment


I liked your free writing.

Glad things are settling in with Hun gone!

Brie said...

dead. like the band. how morbid am i? or maybe just a little bit of a hippie?

Shosh said...


Shosh said...

oh. haha. i just read the comments and saw that brie wrote the same thing. I knew we were friends for a reason!
i can't believe other people thought of other things first.....