Sunday, March 22, 2009

Not Me! Monday - It's All RELATIVE

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival full of gaffes and bloopers was originally created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been goofing up this week.

Edited: I am wishing MckMama's baby boy - Stellan a speedy recovery and good health...

It was not me who prematurely decided at the beginning of this past week that Winter is officially over and chose to run my errands in 32 degree to 46 degree weather wearing short skirts, while bare legged in nothing but open toe wedges. It is not me who realizes that this means I somehow have to figure out how to get over the hump - that is my pregnant belly to reach the bare legs that need some "spring cleaning" of their own.

It was not me who was beaming with pride as I left Parent/Teacher conferences for my first grader So, who apparently was evaluated without my knowledge by the "Enrichment" teacher and discovered to be at over a 95% reading comprehension level for 1st grade, a 75% reading comprehension level for 2nd grade as well as an above average reading comprehension level for third grade. It is not me who immediately thought I should have my daughter's DNA tested to ascertain that she is in fact, MY daughter and was not somehow switched at birth.

It was also not me who became rather amused by my two year old, Ate when he followed me around one night as I was preparing dinner saying,
"Mommy, push me...... push me Mommy..... Mommy will you push me..... push me Mommy".
When I asked him why he wanted me to push him, it was not my very sensible and logical two year old son who said,
"cuuuuuuuuuz, Mommy......... I can't push myself".

It was not me who had to RELUCTANTLY admit to my brother, that I was wrong when I predicted his wife would give birth to their third daughter, because on Friday she actually gave birth to a boy. It was also not me who found out about the aforementioned birth when I discovered a one word text message from my brother on my phone............."PENIS". It is not me who thinks I should have my brother's DNA tested to ascertain that he is in fact my brother and was not somehow switched at birth. Who am I kidding - It was soooo not me who laughed hysterically when I discovered his poignant, one word text message on my phone.

It was not me who accidentally discovered, during a phone call, Saturday night with my sister who lives in New Jersey, that both my Mom and my brother failed to call her and let her know about the birth of her latest nephew.

It is not me who sometimes wishes I was somehow switched at birth and that I actually come from a family that HAS INDEED mastered the art of communication.

How did your week NOT go down???

8 have shown Orah a little love:

Yaffa/Yitz said...

Interesting text. So, I guess they'll have to think of another celebrity family to dress up as next yr. mazal tov!

Heidi @ Tayterjaq's Rebels said...

Congrats on the new nephew!
I can remember those days. Luckily, my youngest was a January baby so I didn't have to worry about warm weather legs with her. All the others were summer babies. Not fun.

Anonymous said...

Mazel tov on your new nephew!

Anonymous said...

Ur bro is hilarious!!
Doesnt seem to me that SO woulda been switched at birth. Besides, not knowing how to spell aggravation (not aggrivation), and wearing summer gear when it is barely spring time, you seem quite intelligent!!
- Miss. S.
shaaave those legs!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Great list! Congrats on the nephew! And if it's any consolation my husband's family is way worse on communication. At least your mom and sister knew that you brother was expecting, right?

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Hmm, I've never received a text like that. There's a first time for everything, right? I am with you on praying for Stellan!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

That text is hilarious!!! said...

I'm lovin' your not mes!

Too bad the weather won't change when we head out in our shorts ")

Congrats on the new baby in the's growing and growing.

I cannot remember when you are due...darn my brain.

Lovin' the logic of your little man .

Have a great week.

I'm praying for little Stellan, scary stuff!!!

Take care,